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Time and place

Time date of the written examination will be announced here. Expect to see the time announced  and start of registration, about  a month before the written exam. Date  of the orals will be announced on the day of the written examination,

The exam  will be held in  the Lecture Halls of Gräfin Dönhoff building. Your room depends on your Matriculation Number, or name. Your room in GD will be  posted on the doors on the day of the exam. You may in addition receive an Email from the Lektorat with a specific time you are asked to come.

The written exam is two hours 15 mins. long. Students must be there  by 13.55 at the latest. if they do not receive a more specific time by Email, from the Lektorat, The process of giving important information and signing in a large number of students takes some time, so expect to be there until about 16:30 or later; please be patient.


Registriation is on viacampus. Dates for the registration period are also found  here .
You cannot register on the day of the exam;  late registration before the exam will be possible  up to one day on payment of a fee at the Secretary's Office (AB019).

You will be will be able to register once viaCampus has a record of all the B2.2 (formerly "Oberstufe") courses you need to pass. Your teacher will make sure your results are entered in time fopr you to register.

Important information for the day of the written exam:

-Please bring your student ID or, if you do not have one, some form of identification.

   -You may use an English/English dictionary but NOT a bilingual one (i.e. not English-German or English-Polish etc.)
   -We will NOT supply dictionaries at the exam, so if you wish to use one, bring your own.
   -Computer-based dictionaries will not be allowed.
   -You will not be allowed to share a dictionary so bring your own.

-No mobile phones! Bring a watch if you think you need one; there is a clock in the room.

-You must bring a PEN with BLACK OR DARK BLUE INK to write the test with. The exam cannot be written in pencil (because all exams need to be photocopied).


For Summer Semester 2024. the exams will be on September 23 and 24th, and you will be sent a request to register by Email in early or mid-August.

General information on the oral exam



Results for the examination will  be available on ViaCampus. date of the results will be given on the day of the written exam.