Interesting Links

These are external links, so the University does not take responsibility for their content.
General Language Links
- Improve your grammar skills
- Learn new vocabulary.
- Need help? Search these dictionaries
- Tests and trainers for your English
- The Antimoon Blog - "Thoughts for serious language learners"
- Ted: Ideas worth spreading
- ESL Cyber Listening Lab - General Tasks - American Listening practice sources, slightly easier than what you would normally have on the HF exam.
- British Academy Lectures - Recordings and transcripts of several lecture series from the British Academy
- American Rhetoric - online bank of speeches
Vocabulary practice, dictionaries and translation resources
- Type in your E-mail address and get a new word every day
- Vokabelbox - One of the many vocabular learinging apps you can use on your smart-phone or computer
- Babbel - A vocabulary trainer and much more, such as podcasts and lessons BUT more expensive than the other vocabulary trainers too.
- Duolingo - Duolingo offers free, vocabulary-based language learning online
- Translegal- A commercial provider of Legal English services with a good mix of resources, including a good learners' dictionary of legal English
- -An excellent dictionary tool as it shows words and expressions in real contexts on the internet, in two languages, with their translations in both directions.
- DeepL -This is for several languages the BEST online translator - O ften giving better results than GoogleTranslate, but it does not offer as many languages.
- Pons Dictionary -This is good as a general bilingual dictionary.
- Cambridge online Dictionaries -
Cambridge offers, among others:
- a good all round English dictionary
- a dictionary for learners
- ones more specifically for British or American English.
- a thesaurus
Culture and Study
- Embassies
- British Council Germany
- Education USA - study, internships and work experience in the USA
- Education UK - British Council official website for international students interested in UK education, e.g. universities, courses and scholarships
Politics and government in the US and UK
- British Government
- The Labour Party (UK)
- The Conservative Party (UK)
- The Liberal Democrats (UK)
- The Green Party UK
- The Scottish Nationalist Party
- Plaid Cymru - Welsh nationalists
- U.S. Government
- The U.S. Democratic Party
- The U.S. Republican Party - rather than a national site for the grassroots party, they have a House of Representatives Repblicans site, and also for each State, e.g. Florida GOP
- List of political parties in the U.S. (Wikipedia)