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DAAD-Zeugnisse für Auslandssemester


Support for your study abroad from the English Department

Get started with English instruction and certification early in your academic career!

Step 1: Take the ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST  - it is offered at the beginning of each semester. Dates for this semester.

Step 2: Register for and take Language Centre English courses at your level - don't leave this too late in your studies.

Step 3: Take the UNIcert II exam in good time. (That earns you your English B2 proficiency certificate)


The majority of foreign universities require a B2 equivalency for your semester abroad.

Some require C1. In this case, follow the above path and take the UNIcert II exam. The English Department also recognises some external examinations instead of UNIcert II. Please see for details.After you have your B2, you can then  take our courses "Wissenschaftskommunikation"/"Academic Communication", and then  the UNIcert III examination.

If you have the old HS or HF certificate and your  foreign university does not accept it, please contact the International Office for advice.


Important dates

-       English Placement test

-       UNIcert II and UniCert III exams

-       DAAD Assessments - contact the International Office first.


Recognition of external language certificates

This can be done  on relatively short notice (1-2 weeks). To make an appointment, please send an E-mail to Wendy Bell in the English Dept. (  Appointments are made on the basis of "First come, first served", so you should contact us in good time.