Sprachkurse im
Dear students,
Our language courses in the Summer Semester will be taking place under special circumstances, ones that will presumably continually change due to the current Corona/COVID-19 situation. My colleagues will do all that they possibly can to run all the Semester’s courses as planned. I would ask you to please be patient though, if not everything is perfect right from the beginning. For all of us, it will be a creative experiment, especially the initial phase of the courses.
Here is the key information, which we will update at regular intervals:
1. Placement tests at the start of semester.
If you need a language placement to join a course, please send an E-mail to vogel@europa-uni.de, indicating which language you need it for. We will get back to you.
You will need a placement if it is a language in which you are not a beginner and for which you have not done any courses at the Language Centre.